Kelb il-baħar Shark

Hemm 2 verżjonijiet ta' dan is-sinjal. Agħfas il-buttuni hawn taħt biex tara l-istampi, il-kitba u l-vidjows.

There are 2 versions of this sign. Use the butttons below to view the photographs, signwriting and videos.

  • Sketch
    Stampi, kitba u vidjow 1
    Pictures, signwriting and video 1

  • Sketch
    Stampi, kitba u vidjow 2
    Pictures, signwriting and video 2

Hemm żewġ sinjali għal KELB IL-BAĦAR. L-ewwel sinjal isir b’id waħda wieqfa mill-minkeb u bl-id forma ta’ 5 dritta bil-pala tħares lejn il-ġenb. L-id iddur fuqha nnifisha, l-ewwel naħa imbagħad oħra, orizzontalment waqt li tibqa’ fl-istess post.

It-tieni sinjal huwa magħmul minn żewġ partijiet: (jew i) L-ewwel parti hija s-sinjal għal ĦUTA, u jsir b’id waħda bil-forma ta’ 5, bil-pala ta’ l-id tħares ’il ġewwa u l-id timxi bil-mod f’linja kkurvata ’l fuq u ’l isfel fid-direzzjoni opposta. (jew ii) Fit-tieni parti, l-id tieħu l-forma ta’ 5 ikkurvata quddiem il-ħalq u timxi ’l isfel, ’il barra u laġenba waqt li s-swaba’ jinfetħu u jerġgħu jingħalqu qisu qabdet xi ħaġa.

Is-sinjal għal ŻGĦIR u s-sinjal għal KBIR isir miż-żewġ idejn forma ta’ 5 ‘il bogħod minn xulxin skond il-kobor li jrid jitfisser. Is-sinjal għal KELB IL-BAĦAR jiġi qabel is-sinjal għal ŻGĦIR jew KBIR.

Is-sinjal għal ĦAFNA jintuża għaIl-plural wara is-sinjal għal KELB IL-BAĦAR.

Meta n-nom KELB IL-BAĦAR ikun is-suġġett ta’ verb ta’ moviment, l-id fil-forma ta’ 5 laġenba tintuża bħala classifier u timxi skond l-azzjoni.

There are two signs for SHARK. The first sign is made with one hand raised upright from the elbow with the hand in the shape of straight 5 with the palm facing the side. The hand rotates on itself horizontally, first to one side then the other, whilst staying in the same place.

The second sign is made up of two parts: (jew i) The first part is the sign for FISH made with one hand in the shape of 5, palm facing inwards, moving up and down slowly in a curved line in the opposite direction. (jew ii) In the second part, the hand is placed in front of the mouth in a curved 5 shape and as it moves down and to the side it opens up and then closes as though it has caught something.

The sign for SMALL and the sign for BIG is made with two hands in the shape of 5. The distance between the hands indicates the relative size of the shark. The sign for SHARK is used before the sign for SMALL or BIG.

The sign for MANY is used to signal the plural after the sign for SHARK.

When the noun SHARK is used as the subject of a verb of movement, the hand in the shape of 5 on its side becomes the classifier, moving according to the action.